Monday, March 23, 2009

Taking a break from the death paper.

I am writing a death paper.

Not necessarily a paper about death-- it's actually about the imaginary world of the Namibian Himba tribe-- but it makes me feel like I'm dying.

Like all the vital, creative juices that make me run have leaked out of my ear and are now in a dribbly puddle under my swivel chair.

And not even this jar of Nutella has been able to retrieve them.

On that happy note back to the Namibian death paper.


Laura said...

Eat dark chocolate and drink peppermint tea. It works for me. Umm, I was just taking a break from writing my book. Yeah, there' a cup of peppermint tea in front of me. My creative juice is still there, I'm just taking a breather. Breather's are good too...

mitzi said...

"Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..."
Dory (probably spelled wrong) the blue fish