Monday, April 20, 2009

Look! I've learned something!

I just want to share with you all the multitude of useful things I'm learning at college. Here is some of the useful, real-world information I have been tested on so far during my finals:
  1. In the 50 yard dash John the Beloved would leave Peter in the dust. Seriously, it's in the Bible.
  2. There are 5 identified types of cannibalism: Exocannibalism, Endocannibalism, Ceremonial cannibalism, vengeance cannibalism, and psychopathic cannibalism
  3. Modern dance pioneer Isadora Duncan died when riding naked in a convertible through Paris wearing a 30 foot long scarf (The scarf got tangled in the wheel and she was strangled)
  4. Marriage has nothing to do with love. In fact the only definition that works throughout time on all cultures is "a woman trading the paternal rights of her womb for subsistence and protection from her male counterpart"
Now that is quality education.


Unknown said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog, Bethany. Whoa, you dug deep into past posts to find that one :-)

All the best with your dancing career. I love Irish dancing!

Amelia said...

yay for learning! Isadora Duncan sounds like an interesting woman, doesn't she?

Jonathan Weiss said...

I like your comment but I disagree about love. It all depends upon you personal definition of the term love. You don't define, therefore, anything you say can not be falsifiable. Marriage is all about love. Love is on its basic form an agreement to work together, to suffer together, and to enjoy life together. It was never a top down relationship, regardless of what man has done to change that meaning. One should not marry without love. That is one of the principle lessons of Anna Karenina.